I’m over on the Amazon.com homepage today!! (… being a nerd)
In case you didn’t know, October is Indie Author month over on Amazon.com and today they’ve posted a video of me talking about my author journey on their page ‘Powered by Indie‘ If you have a few moments to spare, go check out the video! Then come back here and let me know what you think 🙂
As an aside, they did my hair and makeup! :-O
I’ve never had my hair and makeup done before. It was odd.
<3 Penny
Sexy Gandalf, Bitcoins and ninjas – you are right that those are the things that draw me to your books. And every other idea and word you come up with! I love your books. But more importantly, I appreciate them. The characters, the topics and the connections between them all. Can’t wait for Berlin next year to give you a big hug as a small token of appreciation!
Love you, Love your mind and how you think… but most of all… I love your heart and how you put all of these amazing qualities together and create books which reflect the essence of you. When doing this, you give us… your readers so much… things to think about… things to assist us in looking inward and understanding our own flaws and coming to terms with them.
Your voice is powerful because it comes from a place of good. You wish good for your characters, for those who read about them and for the world.
Thank you for being Penny Reid, Indie Author
Weny’sThoughts on Goodreads
Sadly, I could not find the video.
It’s now on the front page of my site: http://pennyreid.ninja <3