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Book News

Ten Trends is LIVE!

★★Now Live!★★ “One of my top reads of 2022 and one of my all time favourite Penny Reid books!” –PP’s Bookshelf Ahhhh! The time is NOW! ‘Ten Trends to Seduce Your Bestfriend’ is LIVE all across the interwebs. I cannot…

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Book News

Ten Trends is coming in 1 DAY!!

★★1 Day★★ We’re SO close! Almost there. 24 hours (even less if you live in Australia) until Byron and Winnie are here. I hope this book and these characters make your heart explode…in the good way, of course. ONE DAY!…

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Book News

Ten Trends is coming in 2 DAYS!

★★2 Days★★ I stepped back, spinning around in a circle. Then I danced a hearty jig. “Admire the magical leggings.” “We should do a different challenge.” I cracked up again, holding my stomach. “Now you’re being ridiculous.” “I thought I…

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