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Just Released: November 21st, 2024: All Folked Up, Good Folk, Book 3
Upcoming Releases:
2025: Franklin Fiber Farms, Book 1
Currently Working On: 2025: Prom King, Three Kings, Book 3
When is Beard in Mind going to be available in combo and iBooks For Canada? I understand from comments by Penny on the website that it was available and then had to be taken off for it to be on Kindle. I don’t quite understand this, but when is it going to be available again. Now people with iBooks and kobo I’ve been the one left out
I have looked online every where like before for all the Winston books and I can’t find anywhere to buy Beard in Mind. I have bought all Penny’s books available on iBooks and Kobo in Canada, but the Winston Brothers is only available for kindle in Canada. I don’t have Kindle and I don’t have iOS 9 app for reading kindle in iBooks either. I was able to find free online the first three Winston brother books to read and read them and love them as well. I cannot find beard in mind though free online anywhere. When other books in the series have not been available in Canada, others have sent me links for free download. Would it be possible to get such a link for Beard in Mind. I am happy to pay for the book, but I can’t get it and e-book form in Canada. Not an e-book form on kobo or iBooks which is all I can use.
The Winston brothers books are available on Kindle/Amazon for the next 3 months, then will move to Kobo/iBooks, etc at the beginning of November.
Of note, if you downloaded my books for free, then you pirated them/stole them.
Are you seriously complaining about not being steal/pirate another book to the author of said books? Not cool. It is like giving her a slap in the face. I have all her ebooks and Audible books also but I obtained them by buying them.
Ms. Reid,
I am sorry I used this post to rant but I feel I really needed to address the previous comment. Normally I do not but I feel very strongly against dishonesty of any kind. I wanted to say much more but this is not a forum for said activities. We here to comment about your work. I love all your books. I have read all your books several times. Every time there is a release for book for an existing series, I re-read the whole series again before reading the new book in the series. This is why I have yet to read this newest book, I haven’t finished re-reading the previous books in the series . I am really looking forward to getting to it.
By the way, are there plans to release this book on Audible soon? I hope so, I listen to books while driving and doing all sorts of other things when I cannot sit down and read.
Look for Beau and Shelly’s book at the beginning of September 🙂
Thank you. Looking forward to it.
Penny-any ETA when will Beard in Mind be available as an audiobook??? I look everyday on Audible but see nothing!!! If I knew I could prepare and save myself from daily disappointment!!!
Early September!! I’ll make announcements everywhere. <3
Waiting for the audible version , I have all of your books and love to listen while driving, I’m so excited!
Can’t wait for Beard in Mind Audible version. It’s early September& I’m stalking the site. daily.. Please say it’s SOON!!!!
I’m kind of obsessed with all of your books. I started down the Beard series rabbit hole on audible but Beard in Mind isn’t available yet on audible so I switched to the Knitting in the City series I really appreciate your humor and stories. Thanks!