Monthly Archives

May 2021

Various and Sundry


I’m back to share the news…the GOOD news. For this week’s #GoodFolkFriday I wanted to share this very sweet story about a man in Canada who wanted to learn how to do hair and makeup to assist his wife. Have…

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Book News, Various and Sundry


#TotallyTeaserTuesday   Now, some of you may not remember this, but Jackson originally meets his leading lady, Raquel, during Jethro and Sienna’s wedding (during Beard Science). Anyone remember that scene? It featured Cletus and his meddling. Are you prepared for…

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Various and Sundry


HUZZAH! I’m back for more #MemorableMomentMonday featuring upcoming Totally Folked hero, Jackson James. If you’ve read Smartypants Romance, BEEN THERE DONE THAT by Hope Ellis, then you know that Jackson places a pretty big role. He’s Zora Leffersbee’s fake fiancé….

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