
Various and Sundry

Book News, Various and Sundry


#TotallyTeaserTuesday   Now, some of you may not remember this, but Jackson originally meets his leading lady, Raquel, during Jethro and Sienna’s wedding (during Beard Science). Anyone remember that scene? It featured Cletus and his meddling. Are you prepared for…

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Various and Sundry


HUZZAH! I’m back for more #MemorableMomentMonday featuring upcoming Totally Folked hero, Jackson James. If you’ve read Smartypants Romance, BEEN THERE DONE THAT by Hope Ellis, then you know that Jackson places a pretty big role. He’s Zora Leffersbee’s fake fiancé….

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Various and Sundry


INTRODUCING… #GoodFolkFriday I am just full of helpful hashtags and amazing alliteration. On various Fridays between now and the release of Totally Folked on July 20th, and heck, maybe even after, we’ll feature some feel good stories from around the…

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