*The short version*
I pulled up my big girl panties and re-wrote all the lost scenes + some more. The final draft is with my editor and– if all goes well– Grin and Beard It will release on or before May 31, 2016.
*The long-winded version*
I’m sorry for my post on Monday. I was in a bad place. And that place was standing in front of a laptop with Windows 10 installed on it.
We’re all in a much better place now. First of all, we are a Windows 10 free household. WOOT!
Secondly, I pulled 2 all-nighters (and all-dayers) and re-wrote the lost scenes + a few more. That means ‘Grin and Beard It’ should only be delayed about 1-week. That also means the book is longer than it was before. So, bonus.
1. Always ARC people – look for the book in your inboxes the week of May 16
2. Blog Tour people – look for the book in your inboxes the week of May 23
3. Pre-order on Amazon, Kobo, and B&N will be up on or before May 24
4. ***Release day – on or before May 31***
Thanks for your patience and support. You blow me away with your generosity of spirit and positivity. I’m sorry for taking you on this roller coaster ride. I try to keep my author ups and downs private, but I also try to balance that with keeping you in the loop and being honest about expectations heart emoticon
Moral of the story: You are all great and I’m having a margarita.
PSS But I finished the book and I love it. I LOVE IT!
PSSS I think you’re going to love it, too.
Hi Penny,
I’m so sorry to hear about your situation, but I’m glad you were able to rally! I’ll admit I was mourning with you a bit the other day when I received the news of your crash. For a pick-me-up, if you haven’t already looked at the “50 nerds of grey” twitter feed, you must. It is so so good. Particularly this: https://twitter.com/50NerdsOfGray/status/643108500428591105 made me think of your situation. SO good. I love your books…and read every single one. I’m not on here often to comment, but I stay on GoodReads mainly to see what you’re producing (and L.H. Cosway, among a few others…). I love your writing, and it shows that you write authentically, from the heart. I am a major fan!
Holy cow, that was one of the scariest stories about writing I’ve ever heard. Were you using Microsoft Word? Did the experts have any explanation for that? Think of all the work across the country – not just government and business but also high school and college students, bloggers, etc. who could lose work! It’s just nuts.
I am so glad you were able to reach down deep and redo your work. Looking forward to the book!
May the fourth be with you always… X<3 X<—light saber protected love
I’ve listen to the entire knitting in the city series on audiobook, I’d love to listen to this one too. When is it going to available on audible?
Look for Grin and Beard It audio book this summer! It’s in production now. 🙂
I’m new to your site, and to posting comments. However, I enjoy reading your books and I just finished reading Grin and Beard it, the third book of the Winston’s brothers. I liked it. I was surprised to read in your “sneak peek” section about pairing Cletus with Shelli Sullivan. Somehow, I always imagined Shelli with Steven, and yes, I can see eyebrows being raised, but I see him as a character who is not concerned with labels- maybe that’s why he comes a cross as an ambiguous metrosexual. He seems superficial in his relationship with coworkers but he is nobody’ fool. I see as a possible plot a challenging gauntlett being thrown at Steven due to Shelli’ lack of social graces, something along to the lines of Taming of the Shrew.
As for Cletus I saw him with Marie. A reporter that may be investigating a possible gang related murder involving her best friend father and fellow knitter.
I hope that your moving is going down smoothly, and with that I goodbye