I’ve been thinking for a while about how to best make use of this blog.
When I first started on this writing journey, I did a lot of “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME” flailing on my blog. Also, several posts about being an indie author, what I knew, what I did, what I learned, mistakes I made, etc. I wanted to make sure my content was relevant because I wanted to be helpful and I wanted to grow an audience and I wanted to network…
Those days aren’t over, and I should probably do more of that (here) more often, but– as of right now, right this minute– I think I’ll use this blog for purely selfish purposes.
So here is the good news: I’ll be posting more often.
Here is the bad news: It will probably be boring.
Here is the even worse news: I lied. It will be boring. It’ll be the worst.
— Boring boringness below —
Basic Stuff!
March was a busy month. We had my son’s birthday, Apollycon in Washington DC, and then I packed up the kiddos and boarded a flight to Sydney Australia (for the Sydney Author Event). No one told us ahead of time that all stores (including liquor stores…) would be closed on Good Friday (when we arrived). Why is it that when you discover you have no access to food, you think you’re starving? Anyway, after a bit of a scramble, we found an Italian restaurant that allowed takeaway and ordered way too much food. We then ate too much food.
Writing Stuff!
RUGBY: I didn’t get much writing done in March, definitely not as much as I’d like, but April is shaping up to be a productive month. L.H. Cosway (my work wife) and I have been working on the next Rugby book (#4) and it’s going splendidly. Not only are we cracking ourselves up, we’re doing this panster style, so we have no idea what’s going to happen next. Writing is fun again!
Joesy leaned away, lifting her chin to meet my eyes, but kept her arms around my torso. “You don’t have a lot of experience with what?”
I couldn’t speak.
Firstly, she smelled good. Really good. Like flowers.
Secondly, her eyelids were lazily lowered as she peered at me, and the way she’d lifted her face meant that her wide, wine painted mouth was just inches from mine.
When I said nothing, her eyes widened. She stepped away, guessing, “Hugging? You don’t have a lot of experience with . . . hugging?”
I nodded, missing the feel of her skin immediately. She was right, I was stiff and solid. I had to be. It was my job.
She was not.
She was soft. Everywhere. Her arms, belly, sides, back, hips, the tops of her breasts, everywhere we’d touched was yielding and rounded. Fragments of thoughts, of her softness laying beneath me, of her stretching and arching as I tasted and touched the heat of her skin. . .
Joesy’s gaze turned sympathetic, her smile sad. “William Moore, do you need a hug?”
WINSTON BROTHERS: Roscoe’s book is not finished yet!! This is a travesty, for many reasons, but mostly because I’m not allowed to sleep until it’s done (… you know what I mean). He’s . . . honestly, he’s lovely. And Simone is just an absolute delight. I hate using the word feisty when talking about women, so I’ll say she’s energetic and fascinating. Yeah. That works. Oh! and if you missed it, I just posted an big old scene on my author facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/PennyReidWriter/) Here’s a small part of it…
“Did I . . . Did I break your heart?” Her words were rushed, nervous, and a little breathless, like she was afraid of the question, or maybe my answer.
Her tone reminded me of so many other times, so many other questions, and a collection of scenes from our shared moments arranged themselves, a spectrum of spectral sights, sounds, and emotions.
The time she asked me if I would teach her how to fight. We’d been ten. She’d been wearing a red shirt and blue jeans, her hair in a ton of long braids. Her forearm was bruised just below the elbow and she wouldn’t tell me who’d done it.
The time she asked me to identify a snake within striking distance of her bare foot. We’d been twelve and it was the last time she’d gone barefoot in the woods.
The time she dared me to go skinny dipping in Bandit Lake. We’d been fifteen and her daddy interrupted us before any clothes had been removed.
The time she asked me to be her cotillion escort. We’d been sixteen and I’d just given her my chocolate milk in trade for her Gatorade.
That time she asked me to teach her how to kiss. . .
The side of my mouth tugged upward, an involuntary response. Moments of mountainous peaks assaulted me, and—as usual—I was helpless to stop the abundance of memories.
Damn it.
I wasn’t in love with her anymore, but that didn’t matter much when I remembered pristinely and precisely what it had felt like when I did.
MORE WINSTON BROTHERS: March was a good plotting month. SO MUCH PLOTTING! And mapping out future books, specifically Billy and Claire’s two book saga. I think . . . I think you’re going to like it.
“What do you want?” I hiked the shopping bag higher on my shoulder and crossed my arms, meeting his glare with one of my own. I sounded impatient, and that suited me just fine. Impatience I could work with. Guilt and grief would get me nowhere but a one-way ticket to waterworks town.
Oh God.
I flinched, closing my eyes, because the single word didn’t sound angry. It sounded hurt. A deep well of hurt, echoing within me, stealing my breath and deflating my impatience.
I shook my head, my voice maddeningly rough and unsteady, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Scarlet . . .” He reached for me. I didn’t see it, I felt it. The earth moved, the air moved, everything moved, except Billy Winston. He was the only constant, and the source of all chaos.
Audio book stuff!
KISSING TOLSTOY: Stephen Dexter is back and this time he’s narrating for Luca in Kissing Tolstoy. The part of Anna was recorded by none other than my trusty assistant, Fiona Fischer. I’M SUPER EXCITED FOR Y’ALL TO HEAR THIS MAGIC!
EPILOGUES: I’m replacing the female-read epilogues in the Knitting in the City series with male-read versions. Stephen Dexter recorded epilogues for ‘Friends Without Benefits,’ ‘Love Hacked,’ and ‘Dating-ish.’ I’m hoping to have Sebastian York (… I haven’t asked him yet) read Quinn’s epilogue at the end of ‘Neanderthal Seeks Human,’ and Chris Brinkley read Drew’s epilogue at the end of ‘Beauty and the Mustache.’ These should all be recorded and uploaded/replaced by the end of the summer.
Other projects in the wings!
KNITTING PATTERNS: Okay people, we have a list! A final list. The patterns are being designed as we speak (yes, I know we’re not speaking, but you know what I mean). We’ll have a minimum of 25 and at least 1/3 will be crochet / have a crochet version. I used to be a crocheter (not a knitter) so I feel sensitive about the inclusion of enough crochet patterns. More on this . . . later.
COOK BOOK: This is happening. Several of the recipes have been written and tested. Over the summer we’re doing a casting call for bearded men who want to pretend to cook while shirtless. Oi vey, I can’t believe this is actually going to happen. (You can’t see me, but I’m rolling my eyes at myself). More on this . . . later.
PENNY REID UNIVERSE: This is moving forward, for reals. I just sent the first version of the (draft) overview document to a few authors who said they were interested last November. We’re setting up all the infrastructure now so we can have our first event launch in November 2019. More on this . . . later.
Reading stuff!
I read a few books this month for fun (and they were fun). Here are the ones I’d like to share:
Fun and fast-paced YA Fantasy: ‘Daughter of the Pirate King’ (https://amzn.to/2v72xkR) and ‘Daughter of the Siren Queen’ (https://amzn.to/2HAx9Ok) by Tricia Levenseller. I’ll be looking for more from this author, I think there will be great things to come.
Historical Romance with a deep character study (heroine) that I very much enjoyed: ‘Someone to Hold’ (https://amzn.to/2EHPNR7) by Mary Balogh. I’ve read the first in this series, but I honestly preferred this one. The heroine was superbly flawed, and I related to her on so many levels.
I just borrowed ‘Pestilence’ (https://amzn.to/2EETKGl) by Laura Thalassa from KU and have high hopes for it based on the Goodreads reviews.
By the way, if you have any recommendations for books you feel I absolutely *MUST* read, please drop them in the comments below.
Other things!
Newsletter coming out early next week… expect some good stuff.
<3 Penny
If this is your version of ‘boring’ – sign me up to be ‘bored’ all the time. LOVED all the content, excerpts, updates!
It’s just big old blocks of text, so I figured most folks would find it boring… but then I remembered I’m an author and that’s basically my jam.
I HIGHLY recommend The Optimist Guide to Letting Go. It isn’t out yet, but I read the ARC and loved it.
I am reading Dread Nation now. Think zombies during 1830’s. Absolutely fascinating.
This was so NOT boring!! I’m really, really excited about everything that’s going on!! :o)
Aaaaah I’m so excited for William’s book! And everything else too.
He’s a lot of fun to write!
I want it all. All the things. I would especially love to be present at “a casting call for bearded men who want to pretend to cook while shirtless.” That was just casually dropped in the middle there like it wasn’t pure gold. I also want the Penny Universe, Roscoe & Billy’s books. Thankumuchly
I think the news that Fiona is narrating Anna is the coolest thing I’ve heard all week.
Pestilence is fantastic! Enjoy! Also the blog is not remotely boring. Nice job!
So much non-boring goodness in this blog post, I don’t know where to start. This made my day!
I highly recommend the His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers. It is a YA historical/paranormal-romance series. It’s got kisses, and battles, and female assassins (who work for death!) and heroes you can’t help but love. I adore all three books (‘Grave Mercy’ is a little slower than the last two but I still heart it), but I have an absolute undying obsession with the second book ‘Dark Triumph’. Sybella is just so flawed, and real, and so kick-ass. She overcomes SO much and ugh I literally have nothing but good things to say about this book. And the hero… Beast is just delightful, and sweet, and ugh the best. It is a must read!
Penny, You are never boring. I have been stalking you before Penn Con
Penny Reid Universe? Why don’t I know anything about this? Either way, I’m excited!
OMG! So much awesome! I really love your style of boring. I could go on and on about all the feels, but Fiona is Anna!!!!! The awesomeest of all awesomeness.
Let me know if you need recipe testers. Food or Knit or Crochet.
I highly recommend the His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers. It is a YA historical/paranormal-romance series. It’s got kisses, and battles, and female assassins (who work for death!) and heroes you can’t help by love. I love all three books (Grave Mercy is a little slower than the last two but I still heart it), but I have an absolute undying obsession with the second book Dark Triumph. Sybella is just so flawed, and real, and so kick-ass. She overcomes SO much and ugh I literally have nothing but good things to say about this book. And the hero… Beast is just delightful, and sweet, and ugh the best. It is a must read!
Lol just realized I posted this twice *facepalm*
Peeeennnnyyyy! I am so excited about Billy’s book I can’t talk about anything else.
I have become a dreadful bore to all my friends, but I am just so excited!
I LOVE him.
Not boring! More like sitting down with a girlfriend over coffee/wine/margaritas and talking about your week! Also refreshingly missing was the busyness game. “I’ve just been so insanely busy I haven’t been able to” -insert whatever. Just up and down like the rest of us. . . except the part where we want to peel back the top of your head and pry out insider stories on our favorite Winstons! Wait, did I say pry? I’m meant gently shake out. I am going to back and do some research on which audiobook actors are which – because I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately.
So NOT borring. Everytime i get a glimpse of those Winston brothers I’m in heaven. Thx **sigh**
You spoil us readers, you really do! I recently discovered you and read all the currently published Winston Brothers books within, like two weeks! So naturally I’m dying for Roscoe now! Quick question, how old are Roscoe and Simone in this book? For a recommendation, I recently read Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster. It’s considered a classic “girl literature” (like Little Women) and it honestly blew me away. My ebook edition was only 100 pages so you breeze through it. It doesn’t feel like it was published in 1912, it feels relevant and charming and fresh with a tad bit of romance!
Your kiddos were absolutely adorable and so well mannered with all the strange Aussie women!
This was not boring at all. I loved it! Of course you have spoiled me for all other author’s (being totally serious here), so it’s hard for me to find books that I really enjoy. I am in the middle of reading The Morgan Brothers series by Lauren Rowe and loving them. Start with Hero, then Captain, and then Ball Peen Hammer. Lots of heart, humor, hysterical siblings and nicknames, great dialogue, loving family and friends, and the main character’s love is beautiful. I think you might like them Let me know what you think of you read them.
Only blog I read.
I am laughing my head off at audio of Neanderthal marries Human. I can’t believe how much I enjoy Janie and Quinn. They are totally awesome
I loved that book so much. First one i ever read. My husband is basically Quinn. Vacillates between stoic and apathetic with every one but me. For some reason always knows how many exits and people and weapons are in a room/building at any time. I have reread the book multiple times not gonna lie
Firstly, love reading your words, in any form.
Secondly, so glad you went to ApollyCon ♥️
Lastly, thank you for the glimpses of future work and I want that cook book!
I usually skim author blogs, but I’m going to be regularly reading yours. For a historical romance suggestion that has more depth and details than many do – Baird Wells Hundred Days Series. And I’ve been name dropping your books to anyone who will listen.
I will check these books out!!! Thank you so much for the rec!
Love the blog Penny!
Your attempt at boring was a great breakfast read for me. I was and am thoroughly entertained by every word you write!
It seems like I have been waiting FOREVER for Billy’s book and inside I’m fangirling and I know I should use some punctuation but I can’t stop thinking about Billy’s book!!!!!
What a fun memory for your kids on your trip to Australia. I love when things go sort of wrong and you end up with an “And then we ate way too much Italian food” type story. <3
That wasn’t boring.
Hello from Orlando! We miss you!
I love the blog, Penny! Some of my favorite authors to follow are the ones that post or blog about their life as well as their books.
Books to check out…
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Defy the Stars and Defy the Worlds by Claudia Gray
These books basically made me ignore my family and work until I finished them.
Thank you for the book recommendations! I am looking for something new (and excellent) to read.
A BOOK I would recommend is Lawless by Tracey Ward. The repartee between family members, friends, and the romantic leads showcase such distinctive voices. The epilogue cracks me up every time, and I have read this book way too many times. I reread this book when I get too anxious over the torments douche-canoes put their supposed lady-loves through in many other romance novels. Lawson’s actions speak louder than his words about his love for Rachel, who is on the cusp of trying to become the woman and possibly the musical artist she meant to be. I think you would enjoy the humour and the subtlety in characterization.