If you’re on the Penny Reid/Smartypants Romance Patreon, then you know about the blanket orders we did featuring the Blythe Russo paper doll designs. Well, you asked and they’ve RETURNED! With a fun new addition!! You can snuggle with your pick of Winston boys, Drew, or JACKSON JAMES!! I has the excite.
If you’re “In the Loop”, you can find the info here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blanket-orders-51064328
If you want more info about Patreon, you can check it out here, but NO PRESSURE. It’s kind of Penny Reid overload over there:
Of note: I can’t offer these in the Ninja Store for a variety of logistical reasons. We’re only able to do this for certain Patreon tiers (a few times per year) so that we’re not overwhelmed with them. We do this at cost, and it’s a timely endeavor. It’s more for fun than anything else. I hope you understand 

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