Actually, not soon at all. But the request for proposals (RFP) will be up May 1!
We’ve been working on branding, potential series ideas, and all that jazz. I’ve had phone calls with other authors who are “owners” of their own universe, collaborating writers (who write within universes), and lawyers. The lawyers are going to help me pull together all the paperwork stuff– NDA’s, template contracts, language to share with prospective collaborating writers, etc.– so we can have everything spelled out and clear before folks actually start drafting their stories.
Just for fun, here are some sample covers / series ideas we’ve been thinking about. Note that I’m listed as the author for most of the books, but that will definitely not be the case. We haven’t decided whether one collaborating writer will write an entire series OR if each book (about each main character) will be written by a different author (ALL OF THESE ARE DRAFT! and subject to change):
1. A park ranger series set in Green Valley… are you prepared for the ranger jokes?
2. A series set in Chicago about the Cipher-Systems back office employees…
3. Another series set in Chicago about the Cipher-Systems security team (of note, Fiona Fischer isn’t writing this book as far as I know, the cover is just a mock up). And yes, Stan will be getting his own story. 🙂
4. We have a few other series we’re kicking around (musicians/artists spin off of the Hypothesis series, a series about the Green Valley library, etc. but I haven’t had time to make mock up covers for those as of yet).
So, I guess my question is: if you could read a series about ANY GROUP of people from any of my books (Nico’s family for example) who/what would it be?
don’t forget martin’s crew team!
I loved learning in the books. AI, obsessive compulsive disorders, Bitcoins biker gangs. Fascinating! So Cipher systems for sure.
Rangers, yummy!
I’d love to read more about fricking Nico and his crazy family. I’d also love a park ranger series. I spent my childhood in the mountains, so this speaks to me
I’ma be real with you. If Alex and Sandra are in it I will be reading it. But I miss the storied that are set in the city. Ashley might have been ready to let the city go, but I’m not. I miss it. I like the idea of getting to know Quinn’s professional world a little bit more.
Cipher systems! Nerdy code boys galore!
I would love a series about the Compassion AI project, and all the people who would need to be involved with that. It involves some cross-over, but in my mind I imagine that Martin (of EOC) somehow finds out about the project and ends up funding it. I can just see that being a cause he would champion, while insisting he is mostly in it for the eventual monetary gain.
Yes, please!
I would read the heck out of any and all of these. Though they’d won’t be written by you, I know how fiercely protective you are of your brand (with good reason!) and I know they will all be quality, enjoyable stories.
Bring on the Pennyverse!
Thank you for your faith in my hyper controlling tendencies!!! 😀
All of the above and anything that comes to your brilliant,creative mind.
If you are not the author, I believe you will choose others that fit into your style, I belive in you taste and know you would be thoughtful in whom you choose to collaborate with. I do hope that Ms. Cosway is part of your plans.
Go Penny go!
Can I have all of them? 🙂
But first about Cipher Systems !
I’m going to be no help because I gasped with delight at each series idea you proposed. I want them ALLLLLL!!!!! But in order of release preference, Hypothesis Series spin-off, Park Ranger Series, followed by Cipher Systems back office, Cipher Systems agents… although I’m not picky. Because now thinking my selections over, I’m not mad whatever comes out first. Just pleaaaaasssseeee make it happen!
I think a series about Sienna’s family would be lots of fun! She’s got 5 brothers and sisters, hasn’t she? And I don’t think there are many series out there about a Latino family…
Yes, yes, YES! Her well-meaning but controlling sister deserves an HEA.
I second this idea SO HARD. Loved Sienna and her family and love seeing Latinx being represented anywhere in romance.
Quinn and Dan as kids. Meeting, discovering what bonded them and then their adventures to the beginning of Knitting as single guys. And how Dan knew Janie’s sister, but both he and Quinn missed Janie until the right time.
Medical school and nursing school for all the girls in Knitting.
The racing in Dwayne’s world before he settled down. What characters that could spring up!
Oh I could go on and on.
ooooh! I like all of your ideas. little kid Quinn and Dan would be so mischevious! 😀
*mischievous :'(
I need Stan’s book! Stat! I may or may not turn into Hulk if I didn’t get my hands on it. 😉
I hope Stella Weaver’s story ‘Sticking to the Script’ will become part of the Pennyverse. I’m itching to own a copy of that!
Hank’s story!
Nico’s family!
All the kids of the knitters … all adults now!!
Oh my god! I’m getting excited 😉
Do the stories have to be about current side-characters? Or could authors write stories for your main characters? I’d love more Martin & Kaitlyn.
I’d read any and all of them. But I agree with the above comment about needy code boys. 🙂 🙂
Also park rangers. I’m all in for that! ♡
ALL of them, I will read anything and everything you write. No preferences, cause you are awesome 🙂
These are excellent ideas! Can I ask for these on my Santa list? Also, would you add some crochet patterns in your knitting book? Especially the baby patterns in Marriage of Inconvenience. I would like to suggest the idea to my book club. And…would you consider some stories from Fiona’s days as a spy? Maybe in graphic novel form? That would be so cool!
As I intructed my kids when ending their letters to Santa…Thank you for all the gifts and best wishes to you and your family.
Yes!! We have crochet patterns planned for the yarn-pattern book <3
*happy dance*
Those covers are beautiful! I can’t freaking wait!
How about the doctor’s and nurses at the hospital?!
Or me, I’d totally let you move in with me for how ever long necessary for you to complete that project. I mean, it’d be crazy boring and nobody would read it, but I’d be willing to stick it out. Anything for you, Penny!
Quinn’s Family and how everything happened with his brother etc…
Cipher Systems! (Your Chicago books are extra fun for me, as I live there.) And I’m so excited!!
Dan’s family. I love his mom, what is going on with her & Kat’s lawyer, Seamus, his sisters 🙂
OMG, all of these sound awesome. Cipher Systems (whether back office or security) would be fantastic, I also would mind checking in with the Hypothesis people. The one I have the least attachment to is the Park Ranger series but I think that one would have the most to tie into since we already have so much backstory on the folks in Green valley. It feels like a Sophie’s Choice (Penny’s Choice?) situation here. I want them all!!
I want a book about an accountant who is NOT boring or geeky or nerd. Accounting is not boring, if only someone could understand it.
FYI, if you’re an accountant your knowledge is not limited to accounting only… now that would be boring.
I will buy, at full price, and read, any book in the Pennyverse. Pre-orderable, non pre- order able, the first day it is available. Every time.
Oh my goodness. Thank you for the smile <3
Stan, Stan, STAN!!! *heart eyes everywhere*
I love the idea of expanding your universe in a way that you can oversee! I think stories about Martin’s crew teammates might be fun too but I love everything you’ve mentioned thus far!
yeah I’m also curious about the rest of Martin’s rowing crew. that one guy – how did he get on the team? seems like the uber black sheep.
I’d love to read more about the cipher systems crew! I’ve been dying for Stan to get his own book. I love him almost as much as I loved Dan and Kat when I read Quinn and Janie’s book.
The ladies knitting group Jane found in England, Sandra’s family… who was involved in creating that hot mess of wonderful?! Stan and his off duty life. Jackson and his quest for spicy love.
How about a stories about Drew’s dysfunctional family?
I want to read them all!!!! How do you pick between favorites?
same! 😀
Iron Wraiths series…starting with Repo’s book.
Cipher Systems! Like the others have said, I would read any of them though. You’re one of the few writers whose body of work I will consume in its entirety.
I am all for the #3 option. Give me more books about the security people, more importantly, give me Stan’s book please!!!! But they all sound fantastic
All of the above! But, if I had to choose one to start with, I think it would be the security team. I’ve always wanted to know more about them. I also agree with someone’s comment above about Martin’s rowing team. There were some nice guys in there.
I love Penny Reid books as they are a known product for me. I’m not sure I would automatically read books by different authors just based on characters from another author’s series. It’s mostly about time and money for me and the need to be careful choosing new books to read.
Makes total sense!!
I’d like to see Cipher Systems open a Seattle office. You could have lots of fun when the business executive East meets the laid-back, grunge West.
The kids of the knitting series, Dan’s mother needs a love story with the lawyer, and the security people. Dan’s siblings and crazy brother should have stories. Honestly I would read anything Penny writes
Steven needs a happily ever after.
Involving something other than furniture.
Iron Wraith background stories!
I’m a greedy reader. I want all the series. Option 1 sounds like it would be the most original storyline to me so I guess t has my vote if I must choose.
I would like to read about the Russian family in Kissing Tolstoy, and park rangers, and security providers. Hey Penny, just keep it all coming! ❤️
I think you should do a series from Nicolletta’s production company/dancers with maybe a crossover to the Cipher Systems crew!
Pink. Pony. Dancers. Or really anyone affiliated–the bouncers the bartenders; the owner.
Related note re: the question about which 2 characters would you like to see having a convo and what would they discuss?
I’d like to see a convo between the junior Senator from Tennessee also known as Billy Winston and the senior senator from (New York?) aka Joss Parker having an impassioned debate about gun control; where Billy is against it (because that’s what his supporters want, but is secretly personally for it) and Joss is for it. I think it’d be a delicious little snippet to read, because they’re both such good people and want to do the right thing.
P.S. Where should people who aren’t on facebook respond to your facebook questions? Can we make a goodreads thread??
Nico’s family (especially Milo), Elizabeth’s dad and the baker, the dancers on Nico’s show, Hank, Sheriff James and his wife (and how they ended up adopting Jessica)
Any & all please! If Penny & friends write it, we will read it. I especially like the idea of the Cipher Systems folks. It’s got me thinking about Cipher Systems going on a team building exercise in Green Valley, or maybe adventures when Stan’s pinochle game goes awry, or a rugby player who needs new security… Ah, now I’m dreaming of everything Penny. Time for a re-read!
I want to see the Knitter’s children all grown up and forming their own group like their mothers did. I also REALLY want to know if anything happens between Desmond and Ava!!!
Cipher Systems, definitely. And it must have cameos from KitC, of course. Maybe a cross-universe with Martin, Quinn and Alex having a side adventure.
Cipher Systems please so sad to see what seemed to be an ending in An Inconvenient Marriage, and we can still connect to the Beards, also love the Hypothesis series and MUSIC …..can we have rock stars meet computers????
Anything by Penny is addictive, but I would dearly love to see something set in the world of rising rock bands.
I am sooo excited about this Pennyverse. I try so hard to read your books slowly to savor and prolong until the next book, but I can’t control myself and continue reading until the end. Any of these series will be read by me, and hopefully they will all be written. I can’t wait.
Cletus is my favourite!
I would love a story about Dominika from Kissing Tolstoy, Abram Mari’s brother, what about Nico’s siblings, Sam friend of Kaitlyn and if something happend betwen Dan’s mom and Kat’s uncle. I loved, loved, loved the last part from Marriage of Inconvenience with all the children, please note of that.
Thanks for all the great stories. You keep writing, I keep reading.
I would love Martin to meet Janie, and to have Kaitlyn and Janie discuss the scatterplot of good/bad/lazy/stupid.
I love Fiona and Greg and their adventures! I’ve moved around a lot and lived in South Korea, Australia, Philippines, Italy, and now moving to Kenya so I’m super interested in the local flavour of different settings and of course the action and plot twists!
Cypher Security Systems please! Just read April White’s short story in “Cocktales” (excellent fundraiser- go you!) and would love to read more, pretty please?! I agree with many of the other comments: the covers are great, would read anything you write or of your universe. My favorites are when you tie in current events, science, technology, and/or mad ninja ass- kicking skills from the ladies. Agree with more ethnic or cultural diversity, maybe the new authors can help? Thank you for brilliantly written, intelligent, and hilarious romance. Love!
Is there a Sienna meets Nico short story? I just feel like it has the opportunity to be hilarious but the fact that they already know a famous comedian never comes up.
There is not yet! But I love this idea…